
Category: Thatched Roofs

Thatched Roof Ridge

The thatched roof is one of the most traditional roofing styles to grace the countryside of Britain. A thatched roof is a perfect example of a functional and pleasing …

Thatching Reed 

Thatching has been a time-honoured method of roofing for thousands of years throughout parts of Africa, Asia and Europe. Often, reed roofs are considered the best natural roofing option, …

Thatching Tools

Whilst there will always be a variety of tools used by thatchers and a variety of names given to their tools between thatchers, there are a common group of …

Thatching Spars

Thatching spars are an essential part in the construction of thatched roofs. In this article we delves into the materials, techniques, and historical context of thatching spars, highlighting their …