
Are Woodworm Beetles Harmful to Humans

Finding woodworm beetles infesting furniture and all manner of timber structures on your property can be a nightmare, not to mention how trying it is to actually get rid of them.

However, the real concern here is whether the woodworm beetles can pose a danger to the health of the people living in the infested area.

But are woodworm beetles harmful to humans? In short no they do not bite or harm humans in any way. But they do attract other types of insects which can cause harm to humans. Lets look at this in more detail!

woodworm beetle

Can Woodworms Infect Humans?

The answer is yes, but not directly. These furniture-loving insects won’t go out of their way to harm humans, bite them, or infest their food or water.

However, they’ll very much attract other types of insects that can harm humans and bite them, namely the Scleroderma Domesticum and the Pyemotes Ventricosus. 

These two parasites prey on the beetles’ larvae, so technically, if a woodworm beetle infestation gets out of control, you might be looking at health risks due to these two types of parasites.

Furniture Beetle Bites

For the females of this parasite to complete their cycle, they need a breeding ground, and your woodworm beetles-infested furniture can be the perfect spot for that.

Do Furniture Beetles Bite?

If humans are close enough while the females feed on the woodworm beetles’ larvae, they can accidentally bite them and inject them with their venom.

Luckily, this venom doesn’t have paralyzing properties on humans; however, it poses a risk to the skin, resulting in the need for medical attention.

Not every human body will react mildly to the venom of the Scleroderma Domesticum. Some might experience small bites that go away in 2-3 days, while others might show painful rashes and red raised patches of skin that don’t go away on their own. 

That’s why we highly recommend you seek medical help if you notice having any allergic reactions followed by a bite from a mysterious ant-looking insect.

Woodworm Parasites

While this type of parasite’s survival depends solely on the larvae of the woodworm beetle, they can move around the house, in closets, and even in your workplace, provided that there are wooden structures and enough supply of larvae to help them finish their life cycles.

Therefore, not only will they risk your health and cause damage to your skin, they can move around and do the same thing to other people in other infested areas, which is why it’s imperative that you control the infestation as soon as possible.

Pyemotes Ventricosus

The Pyemotes Ventricosus, also known as the European Straw Itch Mite, can have a similar health-risk effect as the Scleroderma Domesticum parasite.

While it also feeds off the larvae of the woodworm beetles and, consequently, infests wooded areas, dermatitis caused by their bites will look significantly different. 

Are Woodworm Beetles Harmful to Humans?

Stinging Bites

The difference between this parasite’s bite and other bites is its shape and color. The skin might seem like it has lesions in the bite site. It’s also larger compared to other bites.

In most cases, some people might exhibit an accompanying reddish, linear track from the bite site that’s called the ’comet sign.’

Make sure to apply a bite cream if this does happen. I recommend this for instant relief:

Anthisan Bite & Sting Cream 20g- Relief from insect bites, stings & stinging nettle rash

Severe Side Effects

The Pyemotes Ventricosus’s bite is painful and doesn’t stop at that, unfortunately. Some side effects like headache, fever, chills, and vomiting might manifest in patients.

While the lesions can go away 1-3 days after a person gets bitten, it’s still possible that the bite persists along with the side effects. In such cases, diagnosis is paramount.

woodworm rodent beetle

They Can Infest Places Easily and Quickly

These small parasites are invisible to the naked eye, unlike the Scleroderma Domesticum. So, it’s very hard to determine the places they’re infesting or where they’re moving next (which can be harmful to other people and properties).

The only thing that could be helpful in this case is knowing that European Straw Itch Mite’s bite develops in only 24 hours, so this timeframe might help narrow down which places they’re infesting.

Getting rid of the root of the problem (i.e., the woodworm beetles) is also a major factor in getting rid of them.

Use this to get rid of woodworm:

SAFEGUARD Soluguard Woodworm Treatment - Ready For Use High Strength Woodworm Killer Spray (500ml, Clear)

Can Woodworm Bite Humans?

Woodworm beetles don’t bite humans. However, the freeloader parasites like the Scleroderma Domesticum and Pyemotes Ventricosus will, and their bites can differ in severity and size.

How Can Woodworm Beetles Be Harmful to Humans?

Since woodworm beetles eat away at furniture, wooden structures, floorboards, joists, or wooden beams, you’ll notice significant damage to the wood, enough to cause structural integrity issues.

They won’t, however, cause health issues for humans.

What Happens If I Get Bitten After Using Woodworm Beetle-Infested Furniture?

Assuming you’re absolutely sure that the area you used was infested, it’s highly recommended you get your bite checked, especially if the bite site is severely irritated.

How Can I Tell Which Parasite Has Bitten Me?

There’s no way of telling if Scleroderma Domesticum has bitten you unless you spot the insect with your eyes. For the Pyemotes Ventricosus, it’s harder to tell, as they’re invisible to the naked eye, and the bite might heal quickly, but some bites have extended linear tracks, which make them easy to identify.

Can Woodworm Make You Ill?

Woodworm beetles do not make you ill. But they can indirectly cause harm to humans, especially because they attract parasites that can accidentally bite humans and even make them ill in worst-case scenarios.

If you’re having trouble identifying which parasite is infesting your house, be sure to look at the infestation areas, the bites of the affected people, and the side effects these people are exhibiting. An end to this possible safety hazard is to eliminate woodworm beetles.

Is Woodworm Harmful to Humans?

In conclusion, while woodworm beetles can cause significant damage to timber structures, they pose no direct threat to human health. However, the structural damage they inflict can indirectly lead to safety hazards, such as weakened floorboards or compromised beams.

To protect both the integrity of wooden structures and maintain a safe living environment, it is essential to identify and address woodworm infestations promptly. Preventative measures, such as maintaining proper humidity levels and using treated timber, can significantly reduce the risk of infestations.